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I like when you say silly things,
when you mess up, when you lie,
when you go shopping with your mother
and I’m late to the movies because of you.
I like you more when it’s my birthday
and you cover me with kisses and cakes,
or when you are happy and it shows,
or when you’re great with a phrase
that sums it up, or when you laugh
(your laughter is a shower in hell)
or when you’ll excuse me for forgetting something.
But still, I like you more, so that
I can hardly resist what I like you
when you, so alive, you wake up
and the first thing you do is say,
“I have a ferocious hunger this morning.
I am going start you with you… my breakfast”


Luis Alberto de Cuenca
Unknown translator

«El hacha y la rosa» (1993)

inglés English Translation
español Original version

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