I've come back home holding you in my lips
Besieged by the bliss of your pale fingers
I've come back home holding your calmness in my arms
Something riding roughshod over the boundaries of my chest
Run over by rain, I've come back home
Having lost my blood, yet in possession of yours
I've come back home, in nimble acrobatics
Amazed at the long serendipity of your caress
I've come back home with your body laced in my fingers
I've cut off my arms and yet your body lingers
Claiming through the sense of touch its blissful consistency
What a sweet risk to run, to snatch your waist!
I've come back home in this calcium-clad country
Where flickering black flames spurt from bones
I've come back home only to climb into bed
A murderous dawn robbing me of my eyelids
I've come back home, but not quite, absently returning,
And even oxygen proclaims the magic of your laughter
I've come back home stripped naked by air
My chest is more fragile than the breath it contains
I am born again tonight from your necklace of an embrace.
Jorge Riechmann
Translation by Silens Loquor
Incluido en La estación vacía, publicado por