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So long as of red rose and lily white
the proper colors of your face now show,
and your impassioned, fervent, honest glance
inflames the heart and holds it close in tow;

and so long as your hair, which in a vein
of gold was mined, endowed with rapid flight,
around your lovely white, and haughty throat
the wind can still move, scatter, and uncomb;

go, pluck now from the spring of your delight
the sweetest fruit, before the angry years
can wrap the lovely peak in snowy scenes.

The icy wind will cause the rose to wilt,
and all things will be changed by fickle time,
so as to never change its own routine.

Garcilaso de la Vega
Translation by Alix Ingber


facsímil Edición Facsímil Obras de Garci Lasso con anotaciones de Fernando de Herrera
enlace Carpe Diem Desarrollo paralelo de Luis de Góngora
Pablo Moro Voice: Pablo Moro
inglés Translation by Alan Crooke
inglés Translation by Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen
inglés Translation by Nick Mascall
ruso Перевод В. Резниченко
español Original version

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