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Loki sings in the desolate dark region,
and there are mists of blood in Loki's song.
The Shepherd pastures his mighty flock of ice
which obeys - giants that tremble - the voice of the Shepherd.
Loki sings to the icy winds that pass,
and there are mists of boold in Loki's song.

Thick fog is hovering. Waves break
on the steep rocks with a deafening roar.
On their dark back rocks the wild boat of the red-
haired warrior, sullen and fierce.
Loki sings to the roaring waves that pass,
and there are mists of blood in Loki's song.

When the hymn of iron soars into space,
its echo answered by evil clamour,
and in the deep hallowed pit the victim seeks,
with stiff outstretched arms, the shadow of the God,
Loki sings to the chalk-white corpse that passes,
and there are mists of blood in Loki's song.

Ricardo Jaimes Freyre
Translation from The Penguin book of Latin American verse, edited by E. Caracciolo-Trejo

«Castalia Bárbara» (1899)

español Original version

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