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The trunk of the cross has been trimmed
of its branches; below it one cannot make out
the ground since its greenness has melted
into whiteness of your body. The world
of Nature has culminated in your bosom:
when You became human, You humanized
the world made conscious by your pain.
The only way to approach You, the Man,
is through Nature; You, the obscure
wet nurse of earth, with your hands
anointed by blood, hold it up to heaven
like a Host, and You place it in the light
of the eternal Sun whose whiteness drowns
its greenness, transforming it into an idea.

You, the Man, became supernatural,
by humanizing all that was natural.
Forests, mountains, seas and deserts
converge in your bosom, and in You are
rocks and plants, beasts, fish and birds.
Your body is like a Noah’s Ark where
all the children born of our Mother Earth
have been saved from the deluge
and given as an inheritance to Mankind.
The sacred Earth that has clothed You
with living flesh, the naked Word of God,
was sanctified by the blood of that same
flesh; within it there is not one speck
of dust that is not part of God.

God traced the mystery of human life
using the ebony mantle of stars
in the night, and you unlocked
His secret with drops of His blood shed
over the Earth, as a sacred testament!

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«The Christ of Velazquez» (1920)
Third part

español Original version

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