You came to cast fire upon the earth; Luke 12:49.
You are fire, a white light that rains down.
Tongues of fire descended on each of your Acts 2:3.
apostles—You in Glory—and they were tongues
of the Word that became Man in the vault
of the heavens; of the cold, luminous body
that is nourished by fish, by a silent fish, Luke 24:43.
a creature from the waters of the deep,
which builds his nest below the storms.
You are a fire that rises to the heavens
in search of the Sun, your Father Eternal;
a fire that ignites our blood and purifies
the rotten core of sin, of the fruit from
the tree of knowledge, which is your blood,
Seraph of Pain, on the cross of fire;
you are the Seraph, the burning coal Isaiah 4:2-4.
of love, the rose from the tree of the cross.
Two black wings envelop your head;
your feet are a pair of wings that soar
from Mount Tabor to the Mount of Calvary;
and with arms like wings of fire that rend
the darkness, You return to your Father.
And the wood of your cross vibrates
with the mystical sound of your flight!
Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker