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Lift the white banner of faith
above the dust that covers the battle
while science prattles, wisdom listens
and is silent, and art creates.

One must live and it is necessary
to fight against the base rabble
who responds to the crack of the whip
and shouts, “we have to die!” Do your part

and wait for that of God who scorns
those who give up. Direct your bloody
footsteps through the mortal fields

toward the glow of your eternal star;
we must achieve a life that does not end,
with reason, without reason, or opposed to it.

On the train between Salamanca and Béjar, 1 October 1910.

Miguel de Unamuno
Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rosary of Lyrical Sonnets» (1912)
En casa ya

español Original version

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