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Blindfolded mistress
who are at the court
without seeing the lawyers,
get down of your pedestals.
Remove your blindfold and look
how many lie.

Update your scales
and attack with your sword
because without your good functions
we are nothing.

Wash us in blood and ink,
resurrect the innocent
and make the deads bury
the inquiry.

Scare away the black birds,
anhilate the sworms
and may at your feet the men
shake hands.

Illuminate the sleeping judge,
pacify every war
and be forever the queen
of our land.

Blindfolded mistress,
with the scales and the sword
to the fair humiliated men
don't steal the hope.
Admit they're right and cry
because it's time.


María Elena Walsh
English Translation from

«El Sol no tiene bolsillos» (1971)

español Original version

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