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The little old lady laughs like a little girl, going
On with the tale of this and that happy day.
Says the little old lady, “Oh, what times were they
When I fell in love without Grandmother's knowing!”

The little old lady is a little rogue, showing
A malicious twinkle in the depths of her eyes.
How distinct the silver of her hair one descries
Against the caramel-tinted skin glowing.

The little old lady forgets how dull or shady
Life may be; and the wrinkles laugh over her face.
Sweet tremors through her blessed old body race:

And my dear looks at me and I look at my dear,
And we laugh, and we laugh... all the while we hear
The white history of the loves of the little old lady.


Manuel Magallanes Moure
Translation by Harriet Monroe

«Matices» (1904​)

español Versión original

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