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In full-moon night, in this night's
brightly polished moon,
like a dark frog, my heart
leaps onto the grass.

How happy my heart feels right now!
How joyfully it lifts its head
musing in he moonlight,
this shy, tragedian frog!

High in the branches,
gentle birds are dreaming,
and higher, beyond clouds,
just-washed gleam the stars...

Ah, let morning never come!
Never end, drowsy hour,
in whose bliss things assume
a supreme dream-reality;

when my heart like a frog
emerges from its swamp
and takes off in moonlight
on a star's flight among the stars!

Luis Palés Matos
English Translation: Julio Marzán

«El palacio en sombras» (1918-1919)
Otros poemas 1920 -1934

español Original version

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