There's dark, deep wood like your eyes and your hair
Because your eyes and your hair are like deep finished wood
There's soft, light wood like your skin and your happiness.
Because your skin and your happiness are like soft light wood.
There's strong, solid wood like your legs and your back.
Because your legs and your back are like strong solid wood.
There's dump red wood like the skin of your lips and your tongue.
Because the skin of your lips and your tongue are like a red wood moist with sap.
There's scented, living wood like the scent of your body.
Because the scent of your body is like the scent of timber cut in time of rain.
There's wood that as they are worked give perfect musical notes.
Your love is a perfect musical note like the sound that emanates from certain
wood as they are worked.
There's wood that moan in rainy nights and stormy afternoons.
Because you are melancolic and this purifies you and makes you beautiful, you
resemble those woods that moan in rainy nights and stormy afternoons.
There's wood that have a taste and perfume so singular that, when they are
smelled or kissed never again they are not forgotten.
Because you are fatally unforgettable, you resemble that wood that you remember
to your death when you smell them or kiss them.
Jorge Debravo
English Translation by Eddy Mora