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Madam, you with the bow and arrows,
Who are always out hunting in the wild,
Tell me, on your life, has no man ever
Brushed his hands across your teats?

Roaming the hiddenmost forests,
Pursuing a deer or a stag,
Has there been no impudent shepherd
To teach you the bare-legged cross step?

You may make a fuss and turn up your nose,
Saying that no one, with such a famous,
Such a chaste goddess, would so dare.

Over there for your nymphs that may be enough,
But here, for common folk, by God it's nothing,
For anyone can go a bit too far.


Diego Hurtado de Mendoza
Translation by Adrienne Laskier Martín

Diego Hurtado de Mendoza

español Versión original

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