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Beautiful nymphs who through the river pass,
living in contentment on your own
in your mansions built of shimmering stone
and upheld by columns made of glass:

now, one embroiders lovely trifles as
another weaves a cloth of delicate tone;
and now, a few of you go off alone,
each telling of the life and loves she has;

for a while, put your work aside
and lift your golden heads to look at me,
and I won't keep you long, I confide;

you'll be too sad to listen, or I'll be
changed to water crying at your side,
and then there will be time for sympathy.

Garcilaso de la Vega
Translation by Mary Rae


facsímil Edición Facsímil Obras de Garci Lasso con anotaciones de Fernando de Herrera
ruso Перевод В. Резниченко
español Original version

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