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The dark swallows will come back
to attach their nests to your balcony,
and once again their wings will beat on
            the windows playfully;
but the ones who paused in their flight
to watch your beauty, and my happiness,
the ones who learned our names,
            those… will never return!

The dense honeysuckle will climb
up the walls of your garden again,
and by afternoon its most beautiful
            buds will blossom once more;
but the ones that were covered with dew
whose trembling drops we watched
as they fell like tears of the day…
            those… will never return!

In your ears you will hear the sound
of passionate love words again;
perhaps your heart will awaken from
            its profound slumber;
but, silent and entranced and kneeling
like one who worships God before an altar,
as I have loved you… don’t deceive yourself:
            you will never be loved like that!


Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
English Translation by Armand F. Baker

«Rimas» (Edición 1871)
Libro de los gorriones (nº38)

manuscrito / manuscript Manuscrito BNE
enlace Miguel Unamuno - Te recitaba Bécquer... Golondrinas
enlace Julio Flórez - Huyeron las golondrinas
inglés English translation by Mrs. W. S. Hendrix
inglés English translation by Brian Cole
inglés English translation by H. Landman
inglés English translation by Young Allison
español Original version
Cantado por Paco Ibáñez Canción: Paco Ibáñez

Voice: Antonio Mula Franco Voice: Antonio Mula Franco

Voice: Leonelli Marcela Voice: Leonelli Marcela

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