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—Night's tent has ripped open to the East.—
Your spirit dawns marvelously;
Its light enters my soul as the sun enters a garden…

—The full sun. It rains fire. —Your love tempts, it is the cave
Velvety with moss, the stream, the fruit,
The pleasurable fruit fully ripened like honey.

—The Angelus. Your hands are two still wings,
My spirit bends like a branch of lilies,
And my body covers you… as subtle as a veil.

—The triumph of the night. From your most beautiful hands,
Flow all the shadows and all the stars,
And my body becomes as deep as the heavens!


Delmira Agustini

«Los cálices vacíos, pórtico de Rubén Darío» (1913)

español Original version

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Selected Poetry of Delmira Agustini: Poetics of Eros. Contributors: Alejandro Cáceres - editor, Willis Barnstone - unknown. Publisher: Southern Illinois University Press. Place of Publication: Carbondale, IL. Publication Year: 2003