THE WINGS (fragment)
I had...
two wings!...
Two wings,
Which of the blue lived like two astral
Two wings,
With all the miracles of life,
And illusion. Two wings,
Like lightning
Like the rays of a falling star;
Two wings,
Like two skies
With storms, with calms and with stars...
Do you remember the glory of my wings?...
The golden bell chime
Of rhythm; the ineffable
Nuance treasuring
The whole iris, but a new iris
Darkening and divine,
Which the wide pupils of the future will adore
(The pupils ripened by full light!) ...the flight...
The eternal flight, devouring and unique,
That long tormented the skies,
Awoke suns, meteorites, storms,
Brightened rays and stars;
And the ampleness: they had
Heat and shade for all the World,
And they were even capable of incubating a world beyond.
Delmira Agustini