Artifex vitae, artifex sui
Very near to my sunset now, I bless you, life,
because you never gave me any false hope
or unjust labor or unwarranted punishment;
because at the end of my rough road, I see
that I was the architect of my own fate,
that if I extracted honey or gall from things
it was because I instilled them with a gall or honey flavor:
when I planted rosebushes, I always harvested roses.
True, after all my blossoms, winter must come—
but you never said that May would last forever!
Certainly I had my long nights with the blues,
but you never promised only good nights,
and to make up for it, I had some that were holy and serene.
I loved, I was loved, the sun caressed my face.
Life, you owe me nothing! Life, we are at peace!
Marzo 20 de 1915.
Amado Nervo
Translated by Dave Bonta