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I know a road which opens up before me
in the plains, the invisible mountains
of the air.
Trees undreamed of go with it
and give it shade. I have loved it
and feel disinclined
to be its pilgrim, for, to what Rome
will it take me, to what cherished land
beyond desire?

Near it there runs a river
and already the water reaches
my chest: it is transparent
yet lethal. And, while there is time,
I could reach its bank
and take
the road I perhaps have opened.

Through the mountains
and the plains of air
I see, among the clouds and birds,
edging round depths of light,
that road the gods
have denied themselves and now offer me.

Ángel Crespo
Translation by Arthur Terry

«El aire es de los dioses» (1982)

español Original version

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